DC-DC Converters: Isolated & ISP Series
Isolated Series Provides voltage conversion and negative/positive ground reference compatibility. This permits connection of negative ground gear to positive or floating ground battery systems, or viceversa.
Input range: 10-56 VDC; positive, negative or floating ground.
Output: 12 or 24 VDC, 3 to 35 amps.
ISP Series offer the benefits of an isolated converter plus protection against line transients and voltage spikes typically encountered on locomotives, electric rail cars, and electric fork lifts. A special circuit clamps input spikes to a safe level, protecting both the converter and the powered equipment.
This product series is further enhanced with extra rugged construction of case and internal components for severe vibration applications.
Input range: 18 - 140 VDC; positive, negative or floating ground.
Output: 12 or 24 VDC, 3-18 amps. (35 amps special order).

Attachment | Size |
Ficha Técnica del Producto | 119.38 KB |